Frequently asked questions

Learn more about Pantera CRM Business Management Information System!

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Is any installation required?
To use the system, no additional software installation is required.

Pantera CRM operates on a web browser basis, so you and your employees can access the system from any device without additional steps.
Can I import my company's customer data after purchasing the system?
Yes, you will be able to download a specially prepared Excel document in which you can upload your data and import it into the system.
Will you be able train employees of the company to use the system?
Yes, please contact our customer support for that.


Which internet browsers are supported?
Works with all the most popular internet browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari and others.
Will my company's data be lost if the internet connection is lost?
All your saved data remains in the system even if the internet connection is lost.

You may only lose data if you are filling out a form at that time.
What internet speed is needed for the system to work smoothly?
Stable internet of medium speed is required.
How many users can connect to the system simultaneously?
Since the system operates on a web browser basis, a large number of employees can connect to it simultaneously.
Can the system be used on my phone?
Yes, the system is compatible with mobile devices.


How does the use of the system ensure the security of personal data?
Outside the system:
・All sensitive system information is encrypted and remains protected in the event of a breach.

Inside the system:
・System users are managed based on "roles." In such cases, employees only see the relevant information that they have the right to work with.
Where is my company's data stored?
All system data is stored in cloud storage, and backups are created periodically.
Is the system protected from cyber attacks ?
Yes, the most effective and latest practices and technologies are applied to prevent any type of cyber attack or breach.
Will my data be backed up?
Yes, periodicly all of the system data is backuped and stored in different servers.

System maintanence

What should you do if a system malfunction occurs while using the system?
All errors are monitored and prioritized for resolution by the Pantera CRM team. You can also contact customer support for more complex issues.
How long will it take to fix the malfunctions of the system?
In the event of a malfunction of the system immediately after the registration of the malfunction, work on the elimination of malfunctions begins.
How is Pantera CRM technical service performed?
During warranty maintenance, all operating errors are eliminated, which makes it impossible to perform the functions of the solution in whole or in part or the results given by the function are erroneous.
Who should I contact to add additional functionality?
For additional work, please contact our customer support team, and they will provide all the necessary information.

Pricing and plans

Is it possible to upgrade the plan after subscribing?
Yes, it is possible. To change your plan, please contact our customer support team.
Are the specified prices applied per user?
Yes, the prices indicated in the plans multiply according to the number of potential users.
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